11/02/2025 10:23 AMChina’s upcoming dam in Tibet endangers more than diplomatic relations with India
China’s aggressive hydropower expansion in Tibet has come under intense scrutiny following a recent 7.1-magnitude earthquake (as per the US Geological Survey) that struck the region on 7th January 2025.
Initially, the official...
02/01/2025 10:56 AMStrategic and Intelligence Analysis: Perspectives for Latin America in 2025
The year 2025 is shaping up to be a critical period for Latin America, marked by a series of political, economic, and social transformations that will influence the stability and development of the region. The interaction between internal politics, the...
27/11/2024 11:16 AMTrudeau, Trump y Sheinbaum, entre el comercio y la seguridad fronteriza
Después del anuncio del presidente electo estadounidense, Donald Trump, de subir los aranceles a China, Canadá y a México si no controlan el tráfico de drogas y la migración hacia los Estados Unidos, el mandatario canadiense Justin Trudeau, subrayó que sostuvo...
23/11/2024 6:47 AMArmas sonoras: ¿Y si te atacan con ruido? Los sonidos de guerra
El efecto infrásonico producido por algunos objetos puede no meterse con tu sentido del oído, pero sí con lo que pasa en tu cuerpo. Y es que la gente, normalmente no piensa en el infrasonido y las consecuencias corpóreas.
En una guerra los ruidos particulares están...
26/10/2024 8:00 AMOperaciones Chinas en Puertos de México y América Latina.
El puerto de Lázaro Cárdenas, Michoacán, enfrenta un aumento repentino en las importaciones de automóviles chinos que ha provocado retrasos significativos, afectando la eficiencia del puerto. Gracias a su terminal automotriz especializada y dos terminales multipropósito,...
25/07/2024 10:26 AMPart 4: China’s Economic Motivations for Hegemony in the South China Sea
This article is the last of four articles, on China’s Economic Motivations for Hegemony in the South China Sea. It focuses on understanding the untapped potential of natural resources in the South China Sea as one factor driving Chinese aggression in this...
21/07/2024 11:02 AMPart 3: Regional Pushback against Chinese Aggression
Presidential hotline established after latest PH-CN clash; previous 2023 “maritime communication mechanism” after Second Thomas Shoal confrontation failed as Chinese were unreachable:...
15/07/2024 6:44 PMPart 2: The Dark Triad of Chinese Grey-zone Warfare.
According to the RAND Corporation, grey-zone tactics are “… coercive Chinese government geopolitical, economic, military, and cyber and information operations (cyber/IO) activities beyond regular diplomatic and economic activities and below the use of kinetic...
26/06/2024 9:39 AMExpansionist China’s Expanding Hegemonic Ambitions and Maritime Disputes
In 2021, this author’s article on Chinese naval expansion in the Indian Ocean Region provided a comprehensive overview of China’s growing maritime ambitions and its strategic moves to establish a more dominant presence in the region. Since...
22/01/2024 11:43 AMThe relationship between maritime security and world trade is particularly relevant in today's highly integrated global environment. The persistent unrest in the Red Sea region and the severe drought impacting the Panama Canal pose substantial obstacles to maintaining this fragile equilibrium. These advancements are not just limited to...
06/06/2023 10:30 AMEl poder del Nitazeno la nuevas tendencia de las NSP. El año pasado tuve el gusto de impartir algunas conferencias sobre las nuevas tendencias de las sustancias psicotrópicas (NSP), estas drogas sintéticas se están volviendo cada vez más populares entre los consumidores que las drogas tradicionales o hacen mezclas de ambas para...
25/05/2023 12:49 PMLa fabricación ilícita del fentanilo y de otros opioides análogos es barata y relativamente sencilla. No se requieren ni grandes instalaciones ni grandes conocimientos. Es un polvo blanco más, que se mezcla con facilidad con otras drogas tales como la heroína, la cocaína, las metanfetaminas, etcétera. Las vuelve más potentes y de...
11/05/2023 9:46 AMEl nuevo orden tripolar y el acecho del crimen organizado en las operaciones mineras en América Latina.
La competencia estratégica que sostienen Estados Unidos, China y Rusia, están influyendo en la evolución de la delincuencia organizada transnacional; por lo que frente a esta fuerte competencia, observamos una carrera acelerada y...
04/05/2023 8:14 AMA dangerous alliance to the US and Latin America. The United States faces threats from transnational organized crime activity and the government of China, Russia, Cuba, Venezuela and Iran and their IRGC, stalk the countries of Latin America.
The group of countries made up of the People's Republic of China, the Russian Federation and the...
24/04/2023 11:11 AMThe long tradition of spy vs spy in Mexico has the intelligence groups working against each other USA vs Russia, Cuba, China.
It is convenient to remember that in the 70's Phillip Agee wrote a book on espionage in Latin America where he called the CIA intelligence agency "The Company", by its acronym read in Spanish. But more than a...
26/02/2023 1:18 AMMyanmar junta losing grip on power. It is no secret that pertaining to Sino-American tensions, one of the major flashpoints between the two powers is the current status of Taiwan and the potential conflict that may break out. The current conflict in Ukraine is impacting strategies that involve defense of the island.
However another...
03/12/2022 9:24 AMDictadura capitalista china disfrazada de “rojo”. La capacidad de desarrollo de un país se basa en la certidumbre jurídica y la seguridad, y se sintetiza en una frase: “No hay gobiernos de derecha, centro o izquierda, sino países que atraen los capitales y países que los ahuyentan”.
Parece la simplificación de un proceso...
11/03/2022 5:30 AMOne of the most important security challenges in Africa currently is the Gulf of Guinea. The area is a known hotspot for acts of piracy. Overfishing of the Gulf is also a factor along with other forms of criminal activity.
Piracy itself isn’t the only risk at play in the region. There are multiple Political Risks as well in the...
24/01/2022 6:00 AMEl ring de los gallos: El reto. A la vista de las alarmantes noticias, los titulares y el nerviosismo que impera a nivel político en las cancillerías de gran parte del mundo, parece que estamos al borde de empezar la III Guerra Mundial; cuando en realidad, no creo que, de ninguna manera eso se pueda dar.
Llevamos años observando la...
15/11/2021 8:53 AMThroughout history, the People’s Republic of China (PRC/China) has followed a policy of concealing capabilities and avoiding the limelight – sugarcoating defence capabilities – projecting them as humanitarian disaster relief aid. Beijing began thinking of building China into a “maritime great power” (MGP) as early as 2003 but...